About ACG


About ACG

The AABC Commissioning Group (ACG) is a non-profit association dedicated to the advancement of independent third-party commissioning professionals.

ACG strives to promote a better understanding of the commissioning process by educating, training, and certifying qualified individuals as Certified Commissioning Authorities (CxAs), and Certified Commissioning Technicians (CxTs).

Established in 2004 to better serve the growing commissioning community, ACG’s fundamental principles include independence, certification, and training and education:


All members must be independent of general and installing contractors, manufacturers of equipment or system components, or other entities that could affect the ability of the member to render an independent commissioning report.


To sit for ACG’s CxA certification exam, applicants must meet all eligibility requirements (including independence) to demonstrate experience, a thorough knowledge and understanding of the commissioning process, and their ability to provide professional commissioning services in accordance with ACG requirements and industry best practices.

Training and Education:

ACG is committed to providing training and education for its members and the industry. In addition to developing technical guidelines and certification programs, the association sponsors workshops and conferences focused on commissioning. Click here to see upcoming educational opportunities.